Amazing use of LED imagery, in addition to using over 100 Clay Paky Sharpys. Check out the article from LiveDesign!
Love Is Red Conference 2013
You’ve probably noticed that most of the photos on this site are from the same event. That event? Love Is Red 2013. Love is Red is a youth and young adult conference that takes place every year at my church, Faith Family Church, in North Canton, Oh ( The conference is a three day event […]
Spotlight – Mitchell Schellenger and Cort Lawrence – Pulse Entertainment Solutions
Thrift Shopping – Designing for Macklemore’s College Tour on University Budgets. Pulse Entertainment Solutions, a Denver based production design firm was tasked with designing a series of high energy shows for one of the hottest names in music, “Macklemore and Ryan Lewis”. The catch: design shows that maintained visual continuity, and were worthy of staging […]

Spotlight Series
We are always looking for new ways to educate and inspire all of our lighting friends, and one of the best ways to learn more about what you could be doing is to see what others are doing. This thought inspired the Spotlight Series, monthly interviews with people from different disciplines of lighting and production, […]

Hillsong Colour Conference 2013
One of my favorite stage designs I’ve seen yet. So great, and so awesome of them to share all of this behind-the-scenes info. Click “visit” below for more info.

Conventional Lighting 101
When talking about stage lighting you typically have two main types of lighting: conventional and intelligent. The difference is simple, conventional lighting is basically anything that only has one function, lighting up. Intelligent lighting refers to fixtures that have more abilities, such as focus, color change, gobos, prism, etc. In this 101 we’re going to […]

Lighting for Video 101 – Interviews
This post comes from friend and cinematographer, Michael Cameneti. Michael is so talented when it comes to the world of video, with an impressive portfolio of commercials, and short films, so I thought, who better to explain lighting for video? This tutorial is aimed towards helping to set up lighting for a simple “interview” style […]

Lumens, Lux, and Footcandles
When comparing fixtures there are lots of things to take into consideration before purchasing or renting. One of the most confusing parts is comparing brightness. Sometimes when you look at the specs on a fixture it will give you a measurement in lumens (lm) and sometimes it will measure it in lux (lx). Lumens and […]

Color Temperature 101
A great concept to be conscious of when you’re talking about lighting design in any aspect, whether you’re lighting a restaurant, a concert stage, or a video set, is color temperature. Color temperature is going to be most important when you’re talking about photography or videography, but can be used in any setting to help […]

Haze 101
When it comes to concert style lighting, if you don’t have haze, you don’t have much. You can take 100 moving lights and put them in a room, but with no haze, you’re going to have a severely UNDERwhelming effect. If you’re not familiar with haze, here’s a quick rundown.